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13 Life Facts That Absurd As They Are, Hold The Undeniable Realities Of Our Life

I love the many things I keep learning about this life in this world which basically constitute my favorite oxymoron: The World In ±360º. Sometimes I get lost fantasizing on how to make this world a better place. When I rekindle myself to our normal world, it just feels like I’m an alien, in human nature and behavior. It even occurs to me that one day I will go back to my “Planet X” to tell them that in planet earth, people wake up each day to solve problems they made the previous day then make other problems to solve the following day so they can keep up with the course of the earth’s revolution and that’s what they call life. Frankestein (Aden Young) towards the end of the movie I, Frankestein makes a very interesting sentiment “We did not ask for this life we are given, but each one of us has the right to defend that life.” And that’s true because for today brace yourself for 13 Life Facts That Absurd As They Are, Hold The Undeniable Realities Of Our Life.

#13. Every sunrise is just but a reminder and every sunset a further emphasis of you getting closer to your grave

#12. And so one day you’ll be dead and long gone except that for the rest of the days you won’t.

#11. Talking of which there are only two places you haven’t visited yet but you’ll have to: your future and your life after death.

#10. You see even if you stressed yourself to sweating blood wen nothing seems to add up, that would be just but a waste of time and energy oozing out the blood. Coz you like it or not you’ll have to work your way out of the situation or better yet something will have to happen.

#9. Ladies, it adds you no value at all to buy a mirror, stand before it so as to go seek others approval….You are always beautiful. Create a permanent room for that somewhere upstairs. In the words of J. Cole

#8. Because trust you me, you owe no one nothing (except if you truly owe somebody something). Don’t struggle trying to impress everyone.

#7. Forget about prophecies, horoscopes and bent spoons. The future is a mystery to humanity and remains so. Trying to uncover/demystify this mystery would be a logical fallacy and an unrealistic attempt at breaking the natural law of existence. Your tomorrow is a consequence of your todays.

#6. Because tomorrow never comes they’ve told you time and again. But it’s high time you appreciate today for it is the only tomorrow that ever came and ever will. Make the most out of it.

#5. This day is the best day ever of your life. Better than that day you met or will meet your better half, better than the day you got or will get your dream job. Better than your yesterday and the tomorrow you so look forward to. Because today you get the chance to make all these other days’ work to your advantage.

#4. The choice is yours to make: whether or not to do it. Not forgetting indecision is decision in itself. And remember it’s human to desire for the best but a natural and cosmos law that you work for it

#3. If you ever wouldn’t want your heart to attack you, please and kindly restrain from having too much expectations on anyone. Frustrations and disappointments is all that ever comes out of it

#2. Ad still on heart attack, please don’t take life too seriously. You may not walk out of it alive.

#1. To all my atheists’ friends, whichever way you want the world to run, the truth is, the world is mostly a better place with a higher being in charge of human actions. Call the being God or whatever name you want to give it, but history has constantly shown us man cannot adequately be in charge of himself

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